Workforce Alliance is a policy and oversight organization responsible for creating a comprehensive, community-wide response to the challenges of building a highly skilled workforce.
Manufacturers located in south-central Connecticut
- Access to grant funding.
- Manufacturer networks and workforce boards.
- Customizes training and services to meet employer demands.
- Helps with training and upskilling employees.
- Skill Up for Manufacturing program, which is a partnership with tech schools and community colleges for people to learn valuable manufacturing skills.
- Five-week introduction to manufacturing program. It is industry recognized and Workforce Alliance pays people for the time in the course.
- Hosts job fairs spotlighting manufacturing and related industries with high placement rate.
- Works one on one with companies to help them fulfill specific position needs through Workforce Alliance’s network.
- Incumbent working training dollars available to advance current employees and on the job training dollars to offset the cost of training new hires.
- Works with public schools to get youth interested in manufacturing and aware of companies through job shadows, etc.
- Uses job centers base to match employers looking to fulfill a specific need with employee.

560 Ella T. Grasso Boulevard
New Haven, CT 63068
Workforce Alliance
Paul Gagne
Manufacturing Business Services Representative