Michelle Hall

Michelle Hall
Project Manager
Contact : Mobile: 860-380-7904
Email: Michelle.Amy.Hall@ct.gov
LinkedIn: Michelle Hall
Fun Facts: Michelle is the eldest girl in a family with ten children.  At one point, six of them were involved in the manufacturing sector at the same time. Michelle has moved twenty-two times and the place she calls home is Alexandria, Virginia where she lived for twelve wonderful years.


Lakisha Pryor
Industry 4.0 Program Manager
Contact : Mobile: 860-805-1389
Email: Lakisha.Pryor@ct.gov
LinkedIn: Lakisha Pryor
Fun Facts: I find immense joy in immersing myself in the intricate process of sewing a garment from scratch. Additionally, I enjoy long trail walks.

Department of Economic Community Development (ct.gov)

The Office of Manufacturing unites state resources to support Connecticut’s manufacturing sector. We are dedicated to the progress, expansion, and development of this community.

“This sector has a critical role when it comes to jobs, exports, innovation, and productivity. Over the last couple of years, thousands of manufacturing jobs have been added in Connecticut, and I am determined to keep this momentum going.”

- Governor Ned Lamont.  

Contact Information